
Connection Parenting Audiobook MP3 Download

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Audio Download: Connection Parenting: Parenting Through Connection Instead of Coercion, Through Love Instead of Fear, 2nd Edition

CONNECTION PARENTING is based on the parenting series Pam Leo has taught for nearly 20 years. Pam’s premise is that every child’s greatest emotional need is to have a strong emotional bond with at least one adult. When we have a bond with a child we have influence with a child. Pam teaches us that when we strengthen our parent-child bond we meet the child’s need for connection and our need for influence.

-“…here is a concise, simple, eminently readable and instructive summary of the knowledge Pam has gained through these years of devoted service. I can’t recommend this book highly enough and will surely promote it at every opportunity.” ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce, author, MAGICAL CHILD

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Connection Parenting Audiobook MP3 Download


  • Consciously Parenting

    The Consciously Parenting Project is a collaboration between Rebecca Thompson Hitt, professionals who want to make things different for parents, and families from around the world. Together, we’re making the world a better place one family at a time! We hope that you’ll pull up a seat and join us!

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