Parent Questions

Attachment Myths and Facts

When I was first learning about attachment, I was really confused about what really mattered for a healthy relationship. While baby wearing, extended breastfeeding, and co-sleeping are biological expectations and deserve attention (and were things that I did with my own children and would do again), I think sometimes focusing on a strict adherence to these principles overshadows the message

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The Mis(sed) Communication

Living in southern Mexico where the spoken native languages (Spanish and many indigenous languages are spoken here) are not my native language has created a lot of interesting situations for me. I’ve learned how easy it is, really in any language, to miss communicate. The Fence  Here’s a story to illustrate the basic idea.  My neighbors, who are also my

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What is co-regulation?

Question: Rebecca, I’ve heard you talk about co-regulation and I want to understand more about what that means. I have a toddler and a newborn. How does this apply to our lives? How can this help us to have a more peaceful family life? Is that possible with a newborn and a toddler? Answer: Thank you for your question! First,

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