From Chaos and Pain to Connection and Peace: Support for individuals, couples and families who strive towards healthier, happier relationships

POV: One year from now

You wake up in the morning and everything feels different.

You’re feeling peace, ease, joy, love.

You feel connected to your most important people, and you’ve released the pain, struggle and disconnection from your relationships that you used to wake up feeling more often than not.

You still have the normal ups and downs, but you feel empowered with tools to handle the downs. You can come back into connection with yourself and your loved ones in minutes instead of weeks, months, or years.

The things that used to bother you about your loved ones are now cute quirks that make them more endearing, and you’ve set the boundaries that were needed around unhealthy patterns in your relationships.

You can say no when you need to say no, knowing that is a yes for yourself.

You’ve learned to listen deeply to yourself and what you need, rather than just taking care of everyone else at your own expense.

You can say yes to the ways that feel good to be in relationship with your loved ones, meeting others’ needs in appropriate ways, keeping everyone’s needs in mind, finding strategies that work for all.

You’re so glad that you said yes to yourself and joined S.O.A.R. School for It's Never too Late to Heal: Transforming the Relationship Stories of Your Life. It gave you the tools and support you needed to find your own path forward.


What is Relationship S.O.A.R?

  • Relationships S.O.A.R. School is an interactive opportunity to learn holistic relationship tools which we practice together. Our current module is: It's Never too Late to Heal: Transforming the Relationship Stories of Your Life!
  • Present time situation focus. Bring what's happening in your life now. We'll support you to apply the information.
  • Short, digestible content. You have will short video or written content weekly and short bites throughout the week to enjoy on your own time.
  • Live support opportunities every week. Apply the information you're learning to your unique situation. Connect with yourself and with others through our small group support calls and Healing Story Circles. Attend one per month or come to them all. Or watch the recordings later.
  • Body-centered content and experiences. We must include our bodies in the conversation about relationships because many of our earliest experiences are stored there. 98% of our decisions are from subconscious patterns held in the body, so we need to make the subconscious conscious to make decisions about what’s happening in the moment.
  • Relationships S.O.A.R. is about helping your relationships to handle the ups and downs of life, using information from the body to optimize our attachment relationships- Somatically Optimizing Attachment Relationships. And this module looks specifically at healing our relationships. It's Never too Late to Heal!

What will I receive from this experience?

  • Relationship skills based on the research, applicable to real life. The information is distilled down into usable ideas to support you in real time. No reading boring research papers or textbooks, or even books to try to figure out how to apply it to your situation. We’ve done that for you already and figured out what it looks like in the real world. We’re here to support you.
  • You’ll get support for yourself and what’s happening in your own world in our small group containers, where you’ll have space to share (to your comfort) what is happening and receive real-time support. You’ll get to witness the processes of others and learn.
  • Every space we co-create will include the skills we’re learning, so it’s an application of the ideas in the way we go about the process. It’s a living laboratory where you can feel what we’re talking about and try it out with others who are working on the same skills.
  • While this three-month-long experience won't prevent challenges from happening, it will equip you with skills to handle the relationship challenges that will inevitably happen in life.

It's for you if...

  • Desire skills and confidence to handle difficult relationships with yourself and other people in your life, and to heal the disconnections that are causing you distress.
  • You’re ready for a space to nurture yourself so you can show up in your life and relationships in the way you desire.
  • You’re needing extra layers of support during this season of life.
  • You’re wanting a safe space to practice meeting yourself in deeper ways.
  • You’re wanting to feel ease, joy, peace, and love in your relationships with your loved ones.
  • You’re looking for conscious community for authentic relating.
  • You want practices that you can take away from this experience that will help you consciously navigate through everyday life.
  • You’re a young adult who wants to learn skills to support healthy relationships throughout your lifetime.
  • You’re coupled and you’d like to work on healing your connection with your partner.
  • You’re a parent of a child of any age and you’d like to have feel more connection and joy in your relationship.
  • You’d like to reconnect with others after things went south but you’re not sure how to do it.
  • You’re ready to learn more experientially rather than just reading a book or finding free resources.

It's not for you if...

  • You’re in crisis. This container isn’t meant to support someone in an acute crisis.
  • You aren’t looking for a group experience.
  • You don’t want to go deep, touch on feelings, figure out boundaries, or take responsibility for your part in the relationship.
  • You’re fine with the status of your relationships and their level of connection.
  • You’d rather not connect with others who are on a similar journey.
  • You’re not willing or able to invest time, money, and energy into yourself and your relationships.


What is Included?

  • Weekly live streams with Rebecca to engage with the community, ask questions about skills, and situations you’re challenged by.
  • Access to our Village, which is a safe space off Facebook and other social media platforms. You’re in the space with nothing else, so you won’t get lost down the FB or IG or TikTok rabbit hole when you’re going to participate in something.
  • Weekly short videos or short written text content to help you learn the skills.
  • Invitation to participate in online discussions on the topics.
  • Weekly Healing Story Circles, which are a space for you to do your own processing in a safe container so you are clear within yourself, have space for your own feelings and experience, and can get support for what’s happening in your life.
  • Up to 2.5 hours a week of support for whatever life is throwing at you. You have choice and can decide how much of that you use, but this can be a serious layer of support if you’re going through a difficult relationship challenge or if you’re really dedicated to learning these skills!
  • The Village app to use from your smartphone to access all content. There’s also a desktop version. Notifications are customizable on both the app and desktop versions to help you to stay connected- with choice about when you hear from us!

What are we doing together?

  • 3-months-long exploration to support different aspects of relationships.
  • January-March It's Never too Late to Heal: Healing and Repair of Relationships

What's coming up next??

Module 4: Healing and Repair of Relationships: What to Do to Support Reconnection with Yourself and Others

Week 1: The Road Less Traveled (ARCH of Healing, Paradigm Shifting, What is healing? What is story?)

Week 2: Breaking it Down- What's working? What's not? (Are we connected? Safe? What is attachment?)

Week 3: The Journey is the Destination (Inner Guidance System, Integration, Co-regulation, Patterns)

Week 4: Self-Care While Healing (Self-care strategies with Tamara Jurkin- physical, emotional self-care practices, boundaries)

Week 5: Learning to Listen to Your Body (Brain stoplight, using writing, art, movement to listen to yourself, window of presence, nervous system and social nervous system) with Art Therapist Susan Stroemel

Week 6: What had happened was... (Your story of your relationship, acknowledging feelings, self-expression through writing, art, and music. No, you don't have to learn to play the guitar in week 6)

Week 7: I'm gonna lose it... (Regulation, handling stress, what stresses you out? What triggers you in the relationship?)

Week 8: But now I know what to do! (Regulating with nature, resourcing exercises to support the nervous system, supporting your body)

Week 9: What belongs to me? What belongs to someone else? (Differentiation, trans-generational patterns, connecting the dots)

Week 10: How Pretending You're Godzilla Can Help You (Completing Stress Cycles)

Week 11: Healing Conversations (Healing together through repair and reconciliation, healing alone, what's changed in your story, taking responsibility, what is yours, what is theirs?)

Week 12: Releasing, Moving On, Beginning Again  (When you're healing on your own after estrangement, death, unwilling or unable to heal together, what healing looks like for you, sharing, integration and applying it all to your life)


What is My Investment?

  • Weekly Healing Story Circle to share about your specific challenges and get support, listening, and guidance to help you find your way.
  • Weekly livestream calls with Rebecca on the topic to apply the information
  • Weekly content (short and sweet to help guide your process)
  • Support to help you find your way to more peaceful and connected relationships, empowered to find your own way through your challenges, leaving the chaos and disconnection, lack of boundaries, leaving yourself out of the equation, pain, isolation and more behind.
  • You get Rebecca's attention with her 30+ years of supporting healing of relationships, her gentle approach without pathologizing, blaming, or judging you or your situation so that you can learn to do the same for yourself.
  • Jen Gerardy, Holistic Family Consultant, specializes in phoenix moments, allowing challenges to become the catalyst for your transformation. Jen offers an Integrative Somatic approach with a Radical Vision of Transformation. She supports you to embrace & embody all parts of Yourself - because You have a right to live in authenticity & joy, to deeply heal, to build meaningful relationships with others, to transform the world toward justice & compassion.

$250 one-time payment for the 3-months, includes the PDF and audio book version of It's Never too Late to Heal: Transforming the Relationship Stories of Our Lives

This is the first time this version of the class is being offered and it will not be repeated at this price. We've been told we're offering a ridiculous amount of support for this price and we hope you'll take advantage of it this time around!

Relationship S.O.A.R. is being hosted in the Consciously Connected Village

The Village is the newest project of the Consciously Parenting Project, and you can access it through an app on your phone or tablet, or a website on your computer. It's private and everything you need is altogether, from content, to chats, to Zoom calls.

To Join Relationships S.O.A.R. and start your journey in the Village, click the links below:

If you are a member of the Consciously Connected Village

Email Rebecca @ consciouslyparenting (dot) com for your own special link to join.


Question: I don’t have children and I’m not in a partnership. I live alone with my cats. Is this Relationships School for me?

Answer: Yes. We were all children once and we’re looking at patterns of relationship from our own experiences as children and how those show up in present time. You don’t need to have children or be in a relationship right now to benefit from the relationship skills and practices.

Question: My life feels really full already. How much time will this take out of my already busy life?

Answer: If you can dedicate on average an hour a week, you’ll be way ahead of where you are now in a year. If you attend one or two Healing Story Circles per month, and enjoy the short video content, and pop onto one of the other live calls during the month, that could be between 4 and 6 hours per month of support to help make your already full life just a little bit easier. All live events are scheduled in advance so you can put them on your calendar. But if that feels like too much, it probably isn’t the right time for you to participate.

Question: I am a new grandparent. Can this help me to have a better relationship with my new grandson?

Answer: Yes! This is a wonderful time to get some extra support to understand the relationship needs for your new grandson, as well as your adult child who is now a parent! Both relationships need special care right now and this is a perfect time to learn more!

Question: I wasn't part of the first two modules. Can I still join?

Answer: Yes! You are very welcome to join us. This content stands on its own, so you can jump in and join in for the experiences with us starting today!

Question: I have a specific question that was not addressed here, what can I do?

Answer: Everyone is different and on their own path. Please send me an e-mail with a title of S.O.A.R. Question to and I will be happy to address it with you.


  • Rebecca Thompson Hitt, MS, MFT is the founder and executive director of The Consciously Parenting Project (2007). Rebecca loves supporting individuals and parents to grow themselves up in their current relationship challenges. She delights in empowering people to find peace and connection with their loved ones, supporting the transformation of the way we understand our connections. Her holistic approach, which includes our earliest experiences and nervous system patterns, her gentleness and compassion, and her deep listening without pathologizing, helps us to see ourselves and those we care about with new eyes, supporting the transformation needed in the world starting with our closest relationships. With over 30 years of professional experience working with individuals, couples, and families, in addition to her own personal healing work raising her now young adult sons, Rebecca is dedicated to transforming our relationships stories, one relationship and one family at a time.

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