Podcast Episode #2 – Chocolate, Not Medicine
Connecting Through Reading, Storytelling, and Singing
Guess what?! It’s time for our second podcast and our second in a series with Pam Leo, author of Connection Parenting and founder of The Book Fairy Pantry Project. We hope you enjoyed our first conversation about connecting through reading, storytelling, and singing. Today you’ll have access to Part 2 where we talk about what this looks like in daily life. Let us know what you think of this conversation and be sure to share it with your friends if you find it helpful!
In our second conversation in our series with Pam Leo, we explore what connection through singing, storytelling, and reading can look like in our daily lives with our children. We explore what we can do with our kids when they’re little to integrate literacy into our daily care-giving activities. Remembering that the biggest goal with all of these activities is connection, not necessarily our adult view of what “reading” needs to look like. Lovely ideas to connect in real life with our kids!
Resources from this episode:
Connection Parenting Book on Amazon