How Changing Your Relationship Story Helps You

When a Relationship isn’t Working If an important relationship is feeling chaotic or disconnected, whether you’re struggling to parent a particular child, you’re in a parenting rough patch, or the strained relationship is with a partner, your parent, or another family member, you probably just want things to go back to peace, joy, ease, and fun. Or perhaps to experience

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Introducing the Consciously Connected Village!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new space to connect consciously with yourself and with others at all stages of life. Are you a growth and holistically minded person? Do you have a relationship challenge? (Could be with yourself, or with a particular person in your life. Or maybe you want to better your relationship skills…) Are you

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Can’t we all just be regulated all the time?

I was talking to a mom about her holidays, and she was really feeling discouraged about how things had gone. Her kids had been fighting a lot and the image she had about how their time together would go didn’t match what actually happened at all. She felt really discouraged. I think so many of us hold ourselves and our

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What it Really Takes to Raise Emotionally Healthy Families Series- Day 27

Awareness of Ourselves When we are calm, well rested, and fed, we are probably pretty good parents. We are able to handle the little bumps in the road—the lost shoes, the dawdling child— without much trouble. But when we’re not on a green light ourselves, we may lose patience during the minor challenges of parenting. And when we are overwhelmed

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What it Really Takes to Raise Emotionally Healthy Families Series- Day 26

Changing Behaviors Through Connection Behaviors can change by inflicting fear (emotional or physical pain, abandonment, separation), which creates disconnection, or by adding loving boundaries (understanding, keeping our child safe, curiosity about what is happening for our child), which creates connection. But when we inflict pain on them, we are saying that stopping this behavior is more important than the child’s

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What it Really Takes to Raise Emotionally Healthy Families Series- Day 25

Children and Boundaries Principle 7: Children need boundaries. We can set appropriate limits for our children while still respecting their needs and feelings–if we are aware of ourselves. (We can ask, for example, “Is this about me? Is this about them? Are my children communicating a need? Is the boundary I’m setting necessary, or is it an opportunity for me

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